
Welcome to Cape Girardeau Chiropractic!
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In Pain? Here Is How We Can Help

There’s lots of good stuff and information that can benefit you here.We have educational articles that explain chiropractic, what the costs are, and common misconceptions about chiropractic. You are probably looking to select a chiropractor. However there are many choices out there! Whatever you decide, here are five things to look for when choosing your chiropractor…

Here are 5 important things to look for when choosing a chiropractor:

#1. You should insist that they respect your time as valuable.
That’s why my office has a 10 Minute Wait Guarantee. If you are made to wait more than 10 minutes past your scheduled office visit before being helped by an office employee, that visit is free. No questions asked. After all, isn’t you time just as valuable as your doctors?
#2. You should insist on years of practical experience.
The average chiropractor nationally has treated 389 patients however we have helped over 3,000 chronic neck and back pain cases to date which is almost 10 times more than the average chiropractor.
#3. You should insist that your chiropractor offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Most won’t because they aren’t confident in their services. We are. Just how confident are we? We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We can’t guarantee you results but we can guarantee you complete satisfaction in the way you’ve been treated. If at any time during your care you feel like you haven’t been treated like a V.I.P., tell me and we’ll either make it right or refund  your money for that visit!
#4. You should insist that your doctor provide a risk-free way for you to try out his office.
Most offices in Cape Girardeau and Jackson charge in excess of $300 for a first visit. However we offer a new patient special rate of just $49 if you bring the coupon from this site in on your first visit and that covers everything.  You can even just speak to our doctors for FREE, to see if they thinks he can help!
#5. You should insist that your chiropractor offer a no-pressure, affordable way to seek treatment.
Many will suggest extended care plans to every patient lasting 12 months or more. We believe in a more affordable and conservative approach to care. We offer multiple payment options that put our care plans within reach of every type of budget. If you should choose a longer care plan will will honor that, but at no time will we force your hand, we know every patient is different and we are here to serve you!

Now I would like to give you a “live” tour of my chiropractic office.
Come on, follow me and I’ll show you around…

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